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This is a blog which is dedicated to the many aspects which deal with our way we create, yes, create our own reality in all wakes of life. I intend to post my views using images that either I will comment or use as a trigger to writing. As I am of french culture, many posts will be written in french.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Do not expect any literary jewel, the author has no such ambitions, furthermore english is not his mother tongue. Expect to see sometimes french written blogs that will not be translated into english.

The name of this blog is not the result of my imagination. Its origin must be found in the "Seth books" written by Jane Roberts. For those who are not acquainted with this material, they should know that it was dictated when Jane Robert was in a trance and transcribed by her husband, Robert F. Butts. There are, I believe, some thousand sessions which have been gathered in several books. The sessions started in the sixties and were delivered at a steady pace for at least 10 years. Jane Roberts died in 1984.Check on the net if you are interested.

These books have had a great impact on my life and for more than 13 years now they have given a new orientation to my thinking and acting. The groundbase of Seth's teachings can be reduced to this acronym Y.C.Y.O.R. - You Create Your Own Reality. This simple sentence has enormous effects on all walks of life. It addresses your perception, your responsibility, your creativity, your behavior and, maybe above all, a new interpretation of what is going on around you and within you.

When you accept this paradigm, you have to remould your belief systems. Suddenly the world is no more what we thought it was, an external world in which we are thrown and for which we have to struggle. From now on, you have to admit that YOU wanted things to happen just as they happen. There is no exception to it, whatever dramatic, tragic or frustrating that can be. From now on you are no more a victim nor a perpetrator. If you are sick, and much has to be said about sickness, you created your so-called sickness. If you were attacked, robbed, injured, if you had an accident, it won't help you blaming others, even if you did not deserve what happens to you. All events that occur have to be 'read' in a new way. Also events where you are apparently not personally involved.

You are free to ask questions or comment. I wish the debate to be as wide as possible. You can also bring examples of events that struck or puzzled you and we'll try to interpret them according to these principles.

About Me

french born, lived 40 years in France then emigrated to Israel.
